Year 2 Resources

Semester 1

User-Centred Experimental Design (F28ED)

Course Details

Programming Languages (F28PL)

Course Details

For Windows Users: Make sure you have WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) setup on your machine with a Linux OS installed (usually Ubuntu LTS) before the course begins to have a smoother experience.




Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (F28SG)

Course Details

Web Programming (F28WP)

Course Details

Semester 2

Data Structures and Algorithms (F28DA)

Course Details


Database Management Systems (F28DM)

Course Details

Hardware-Software Interface (F28HS)

Course Details

C (Programming Language)

ARM Assembly Language

(yes, it doesn’t run away after F27CS)

Introduction to Software Engineering (F28SD)

Course Details

Theme  Moonwalk